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Licensing the Dynamic Questionnaire Engine™ technology gives companies the flexibility to develop questionnaire and survey based products which benefit from all of the advantages of the technology, but without necessarily tying customers to the 'look and feel' of the DQE Solutions' IYCQ™ family of products, as is the case with customised standard products.

Advantages of licensing DQE technology

As well as being able to customise the look and feel of the DQE-based product, additional advantages from licensing the DQE technology include:

  • Varying the number of Key Business Areas, in line with survey requirements.
  • Tailoring the statistical analysis of data output to meet your company's exact requirements
  • Allowing ongoing, real-time surveys to be set up for actual situational analyses
  • Decreasing the turn-around time from survey conception to receipt of results analysis
  • Reducing the cost of questionnaire and survey design, development, deployment, collation and analysis.

Licensing DQE technology

In order to license the DQE technology from DQE Solutions, the following points need to be established:

  • The intended application(s)
  • The number of years the application(s) is(are) expected to run
  • The approximate number of reports expected to be generated per year

Based on this information, a license agreement can be entered into between your company and DQE Solutions.

Included in this agreement is a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) which is valid until such time as the Dynamic Questionnaire Engine™ patent is granted.

The license agreement also covers direct application support from DQE Solutions which includes the following:

  • A presentation on the Dynamic Questionnaire Engine™ technology illustrating how it works, how it can be easily implemented in custom specific applications and how to interpret the DQE output
  • Hands on support with your design and development team to implement the DQE technology in your application(s)
  • Hands on support defining your output report requirements and adapting the DQE output to meet those requirements.

If you would like to license DQE technology from DQE Solutions, or desire more information about licensing, please feel free to contact us here with no obligation.